CMF SBR Doubles Trial Match
In order to catch the world level of competitive mahjong, CMF will host a SBR Doubles Trial Match on July 22nd and 23rd, 2023.
Doubles match can eliminate the lucky factor among the players. It needs the balance of offense and defense, also must cooperate between the teammate.
Time: 1:00pm-6:00pm on Saturday July 22nd, 2023 and 9:00am-6:00pm on Sunday July 23rd, 2023
Location: Lunch room
1st floor 250 Consumers Rd, North York, ON M2J 4V6
Requirement of Participants: Healthy mahjong players
Competition Rule: SBR-Sichuan Bloody Rules, certified by MIL-Mahjong International League
Awards: Top players
Registration Fees: $10, include lunch on 23rd and light snacks on both of 22nd and 23ed; free for CMF VIP members.
Registration deadline: Before 6:00pm on Saturday July 15th, 2023.
Interested players can register or make enquiries by sending an email to Gracie Wang at or calling/texting to 416-670-5878. Payment will be made directly to the Lunch Room on July 22nd.
Tournament format: Will determine based on the number of players. All pairs will be matched equally in the first stage competition. And, "strong against strong" will be used in the Final.
Hands for each session: 8