CANADA MAHJONG FEDERATION (CMF) is a not-for-profit organization incorporated federally in Canada and a member of Mahjong International League (MIL).
As a National Mahjong Organization (NMO) representing Canada in MIL, our mission is to take on a mahjong leadership role in the nation and foster a healthy mahjong society across Canada. CMF promotes mahjong through three MIL certified international rules - MCR, RCR, SBR and Duplicate Format.
To encourage youth, CMF provides scholarships to high school students and /or undergraduates who excel at playing mahjong, for post-secondary and /or university education.

Mahjong International League (MIL) is the 6th member of the International Mind Sport Association (IMSA) following World Bridge Federation (WBF), International Go Federation (IGF), Fédération Mondiale du Jeu de Dames (FMJD), Fédération Internationale des Échecs (FIDE), and World Xiangqi Federation (WXF). Accordingly, Mahjong becomes the 6th mind sport along with Bridge, Go, Draughts, Chess and Xiangqi.